10 Foods To Avoid During IVF

10 Foods To Avoid During IVF

IVF or In-vitro fertilization is one of the most effective assisted reproductive technology procedures that can enhance your pregnancy outcomes. To increase the success rates of IVF, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle that involves proper nutrition, lifestyle habits, and exercise. One of the most crucial factors for IVF success is to maintain a healthy diet with certain inclusions and exclusions in the diet. You can consider visiting the best IVF centre in Siliguri to undergo a precise IVF procedure and get a personalized diet plan.

A balanced nutrition is essential during IVF which must include various essential nutrients such as iron, folic acid, protein, healthy fats, and magnesium. However, the food requirements may vary based on the unique nutritional needs of the person. Just like your focus on the best foods, you must also prioritize in identifying the worst foods during IVF. This will help you to avoid certain foods that can have a negative consequence on the IVF procedure and decrease the chances of pregnancy success. 

Foods You Must Eliminate From The Diet During An IVF Cycle  

1. Carbonated drinks 
Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and this is why they should also be avoided during IVF. Some of the examples of these drinks include soda and cold drinks. An abrupt rise in blood sugar levels brought on by excessive soda intake by women can result in Type-2 diabetes.

This is where diabetes can lower your chances of becoming pregnant by raising the risk of hormonal imbalance and pregnancy problems. To ensure proper embryo quality and successful oocyte retrieval, stop drinking carbonated drinks and consider drinking fresh fruit juices. 

2. Processed foods  
High quantities of preservatives and hormone residue found in processed meat, such as bacon, sausages, and hot dogs, can lower reproductive rates in both men and women. It may lessen sperm production, which affects sperm motility.

For this reason, you should abstain from consuming processed meat during your IVF cycle, which will also lower your consumption of saturated and Trans fats. Not only processed meat, other processed foods are also bad during IVF such as canned vegetables, breads, packaged biscuits, and crisps. Avoid any processed foods and eat home-cooked foods to increase IVF success. 

3. Soy-based products 
Another item that you need to stop during the IVF cycle is soy-based products. The food products made with soy such as soybean, soya milk, or tofu are not only bad for both men and women undergoing IVF. This is because it can lead to mild estrogenic effects which can have a significant impact on male fertility. 

You must know that avoiding soy-based products is mainly recommended for those who have low sperm counts because soy can further reduce sperm production. Without proper sperm count, the doctor may not get high-quality sperm for successful fertilization. 

4. Alcohol 
Alcohol consumption also has an adverse effect on both men's and women's fertility rates, so it must be avoided during IVF. It can lower sperm motility, count, and morphology in males, while it can lower egg viability in women by preventing the eggs from maturing into viable embryos. 

If you have previously consumed alcohol, you can get in touch with the best fertility center in India to learn about the next steps. Herein, alcohol consumption history may decrease the rates of proper embryo development and this is why the doctor may take extra measures to ensure successful embryo growth and IVF success. 

5. Coffee 
As much as we all like waking up to a steaming cup of coffee, this habit needs to be broken during the IVF cycle. This is due to the fact that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, a stimulant of the nervous system that might increase the risk of miscarriage and unsuccessful implantation. 

Additionally, there is also a likelihood that caffeine would cause decreased egg quality and oocyte maturation. While you’re gradually cutting back on caffeine, you can stick to the rule of consuming just 200mg of coffee per day. To avoid intense cravings, consider drinking a sufficient amount of water throughout the day.

6. Cheese 
You need to watch what you eat, not just during the IVF process but even after the embryo has been successfully implanted. You have to abstain from eating anything that contains soft cheese at this point since it may have listeria. 

This bacteria can have a significant negative effect on the placenta's health while raising the risk of infection and blood poisoning. Along with cheese, also consider staying away from unpasteurized and high-fat milk during the IVF cycle. 

7. Raw eggs, meat, and fish 
For healthy ovarian stimulation, eggs are a crucial component of an IVF diet. But you also have to remember that the eggs need to be cooked to the right consistency because uncooked eggs might harbour the dangerous bacteria salmonella. 

Consuming foods containing raw eggs, such as mayonnaise and salad dressing, can also result in food poisoning that can harm the developing fetus. Herein, the chances of food poisoning may also increase if you eat raw fish or meat during the IVF cycle. Always follow a proper cooking procedure to break down the toxic materials in the meat, fish, and eggs before eating it. 

8. Cigarettes
Another item that needs to be avoided during IVF is smoking since it can harm sperm health. It can lower the sperm count while altering the sperm's shape. In certain instances, it may also result in sperm DNA fragmentation, raising the possibility of genetic illnesses. 

Smoking must be avoided to preserve healthy hormone balance, egg quality, and sperm production. Both men and women must indulge in smoking cessation to ensure higher chances of fertilization success. 

9. High-mercury fishes 
Doctors often recommend including fish in your IVF diet to get the required dosage of omega-3 fatty acids. However, you must be always careful that you shouldn’t eat any fish that contain high levels of mercury.

Certain high-mercury fishes such as king mackerel, shark, and swordfish can have negative effects on IVF success as it has been associated with deteriorated reproductive health. This fish is also bad for the man as it can affect sperm production. This is why it is always a better idea to stick to low-mercury fishes such as salmon, trout, and sardines to ensure IVF success. 

10. Refined grains 
It is also advised to limit the intake of refined grains during IVF. Some of the refined grain products that you must avoid are pasta, white rice, and bread. This is mainly recommended because refined grains have been associated with high blood sugar levels that can lead to insulin resistance. 

Herein, insulin resistance can significantly reduce IVF outcomes by decreasing blastocyst formation, mature oocyte production, and hormonal balance. To avoid these issues, try to swap refined grain products with whole grains such as whole grain bread, oats, brown rice, and quinoa. This swap is also beneficial to provide you with the required nutrition such as protein and fibre. 

To know the healthier food options during the IVF cycle, don’t hesitate to visit the best IVF center in India and seek medical attention from a reputed infertility specialist. Remember that it is always necessary to follow the dietary recommendations of the doctor to make the IVF journey successful. 

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