25 Questions To Ask Your IVF Specialist

25 Questions To Ask Your IVF Specialist

It can be both daunting and exciting to start the IVF journey to achieve parenthood. Consult with a specialist from the IVF center in Siliguri and get the hope and possibility of expanding your family by fighting against your infertility issues. They will provide you with the best possible treatment so that your dream of becoming a parent comes true.

It is a big step to take to make an appointment with an IVF specialist. It is very important to ask all the necessary questions that are related to the treatment procedure before you undergo it. However, the nervousness can make you forget about the long list of questions that must be asked during your first appointment with your specialist. 

Here are some of the most important questions for you to take note of when you visit the IVF specialist from the best IVF center in Siliguri:
1. What should I expect from my IVF cycle?
Ask your specialist to let you know about the basics of the IVF treatment procedure. The general process of the treatment remains the same for the entire clinic. Knowing the process beforehand will help you to prepare mentally. 

2. What are the success rates of IVF in your clinic?
There are many clinics that feature the data of their success rate prominently. On the other hand, there are some clinics in which you have to do some digging to find out about their success rate. You can ask your specialist about the overall success rate of the clinic and your chances of becoming a parent after diagnosing the factors related to your health and age. 
3. Is IVF the right treatment for me?
IVF treatment can fight against various fertility issues like damaged fallopian tubes, ovarian disorders, and many more. Despite the wide spectrum usage of IVF, it is not the only treatment module to cure infertility. You can ask your specialist about the right treatment for you based on your unique condition.

4. What type of tests must I undergo to know about my IVF suitability?
Before starting your IVF cycle, you will have to undergo different tests to know the factors affecting your fertility. Ask the specialist about the different tests that you have to undergo to prepare beforehand.

5. What type of lifestyle changes must I make before starting my IVF cycle?
The IVF success rate can be increased by making some changes to your regular lifestyle. Know about the adjustments that you must make to improve your overall health from your specialist. 
6. What supplements and vitamins should I consume to increase my success rate?
It is very important to take supplements such as prenatal vitamins containing folic acid for the prevention of birth defects. Antioxidant-containing supplements are also very helpful. You can ask your IVF specialist about the type of supplements that they recommend for you. 

7. How do I increase the quality and quantity of my eggs?
Ask your doctor about the medications and diet that you can follow to increase the quality and quantity of your eggs for the success of your cycle. 

8. Should I follow any specific diet to increase my fertility?
You must take the recommendation of your fertility expert to guide you about the best diet plan to follow when you are undergoing the IVF cycle and trying to conceive through the process. 

9. Is it necessary to freeze the sperm before starting the process of egg retrieval?
It can be helpful to freeze the sperm before the egg retrieval process to avoid any problems related to sperm production samples when it is required. 

10. How often is it required for me to come for my IVF appointment?
You will need to make frequent visits to your IVF clinic after your cycle begins. Ask about the schedule and location of the monitoring and procedure for future convenience. 

11. Can I exercise at the time of my IVF cycle?
It is completely safe to do light exercises at the time of the IVF cycle; however, it is recommended to avoid intense physical activities after the egg retrieval procedure. Ask your specialist about any query related to specific types of exercises that you can perform.

12. Is it necessary to transfer multiple numbers of embryos to increase the rate of IVF success?
It does not necessarily mean that you will get a dramatic improvement in the IVF success from the multiple embryo transfer, but it can result in twin pregnancies. 

13. Can I have twin babies by transferring two embryos at a time?
Although there is a high chance of twin pregnancy from the multiple transfers, it can often cause complicated risks in the pregnancy, resulting in premature delivery and significant impairments in the children. Thus, it is safe to have a single child at a time. 

14. What type of embryo transfer do you recommend for me, fresh or frozen?
Some of it is required to have a frozen embryo transfer rather than a fresh one because of concerns about the uterus lining. Ask your doctor about your condition and the most suitable cycle for you based on your condition. 

15. Should I get a genetic test for my embryo?
If you or your partner have any heritable diseases, it is recommended to do a genetic test on the embryo to know about any serious or life-threatening diseases beforehand and get their solution. You can ask your doctor if it is required to screen for any kind of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo to avoid any future issues.

16. Is it required to stay in bed for me after the completion of embryo transfer?
It is seen in cases that no special benefits can be gained from staying in bed after embryo transfer. The most important thing to do during the IVF cycle is to understand the needs of your body and do activities accordingly.

17. Will I face any kind of risk through IVF?
Just like any kind of medical procedure, IVF also has its own set of side effects and risks. You can ask your doctor about the potential risks that are associated with the process so that you can make the most informed decision. 

18. Is there a chance that I might get cancer if I have multiple numbers of IVF cycles?
In some cases, it is seen that some of the fertility medications have led to different types of cancers, such as uterine or ovarian cancer. These cancers are generally related to fertility issues. Thus, it cannot be said for certain that the disease is caused by the medications of infertility or the infertility in itself. 

19. What will happen if only a small number of eggs can be retrieved during the egg retrieval process?
The care teams generally perform blood work and ultrasound to determine the follicles that are present in the ovary. Not all follicles have a retrievable number of eggs. Your IVF specialist will do his best to estimate the retrievable number of eggs. However, it cannot be said for certain the total number of eggs before the final procedure. 

20. Should I use donor eggs rather than my eggs for the success of the IVF cycle?
Although it is a very emotional question, you can ask your doctor about the possible success rate of the cycle by using your eggs. If your health condition does not allow you to undergo the procedure or you have few chances of success, it is better to use donor eggs. 

21. What is the reason behind the failure of my IVF cycle?
You cannot expect a successful pregnancy from a single IVF cycle. Sometimes you just have to undergo multiple cycles to achieve success despite having “genetically tested normal” embryos. You can ask your doctor about the identifiable factors leading to the failure. 

22. When can I start another IVF cycle after the failure of the first cycle?
It is very important to know when you can schedule your next IVF cycle after the failure of the first attempt based on the situation of your health.

23. How many IVF cycles do you recommend for me?
There are no specific limits to the number of IVF cycles that you can undergo. You can ask your specialist if your prognosis is good for having a healthy baby and if you just have not been able to conceive yet to determine if you still want to go for another IVF cycle or not. 

24. What is the ideal health condition for the success of an IVF cycle?
As we all know, the chance of pregnancy goes down with age resulting from different health conditions. You can ask for recommendations from your health care provider about the type of health condition to maintain for better results. 

25. What costs are associated with the IVF treatment procedure?
It can be quite expensive to undertake IVF treatment. Ask your doctor to give you a breakdown of the upfront cost so that you can plan accordingly and get some financial assistance if needed. 

IVF acts as a blessing for the infertile couple to achieve parenthood by fighting their infertility issues. If you are facing such issues, you can get treatment from the IVF center in Siliguri and achieve your goal of becoming a parent. During your visit, make sure to ask the above-mentioned questions to your specialist and clear all your doubts and queries. 

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