Most Trusted IVF Centre In Siliguri With Best Success Rate

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IVF and Age: What Are Your Chances?

IVF is a type of fertility treatment using which eggs and sperm are fertilised outside the body in a laboratory to form an embryo. If you are facing some health issues and are not able to conceive a child after a year of trying you can visit the nearest IVF centre in Siliguri to consult with a specialist. IVF comes as a ray of hope for the infertile people. 

The success rate of an IVF treatment declines gradually with age. If you become pregnant at an older age then the risk is higher for you and your child. With the increase in age, you might also need to undergo more than one IVF cycle as the egg supply gets lower with age. A crucial role is played by the number of eggs supplied in the success rate of the IVF cycle. 

The success rate of IVF cycle based on age

Age is the most prominent factor which affects the rate of success in an IVF treatment procedure. Age plays a crucial role in natural pregnancy or the case of artificial pregnancy. Women who fall under the younger age group are seen to be exhibiting a more successful IVF cycle than women who fall under the older age group. 

It is mostly seen that women who are under the age of 35 have a success rate of 55.6% in giving live birth using IVF treatment. Live births from the first IVF cycle are 41.4% and 47% success from the second IVF cycle. 

Women using their eggs and are aged between 35 and 37 are seen to be showing 40.8% success in live birth. Live births from the first cycle in this age group I see to be 31.6% and from the second cycle it is 44.7%.

The rate of success in giving live birth through IVF in women between the age of 38-40 is seen to be almost 26.8%. Thus you can notice that the success of IVF gradually declines with age. About 22.3% of women of this age group are seen to be successfully giving live birth through the first IVF cycle and 40.9% of women give birth successfully through the second IVF cycle. 

The success rate of IVF for women who are above the age of 40 is about 7% of which women aged under 42 years show a higher rate of IVF success than those who are aged more than 42. It is advisable to use donor eggs for a successful IVF cycle if your age is more than 40. 

Although fertility declines gradually after 40 IVF has shown remarkable results and allowed many women to have successful births who are beyond the age of 40 years. You can also go for an egg donor or surrogacy in case of menopause or ovarian failure. 

With the increase in age, the number of eggs and their quality decreases drastically resulting in the poor quality of the embryo which in turn also lowers the successful implantation within the uterus. 

The success rate of IVF under 35

Women who are in their 20s or under the age of 35 have a high rate of IVF success since they remain most fertile in this period. If you are under the age of 35 with no major fertility issues the success rate of your IVF cycle is almost 20%.  

However, in case of fertility issues such as less supply of eggs or any other kind of genetic diseases, the success rate can decline a lot. The success rate of an IVF treatment is higher in women who are below the age of 35 than those who are more than 35 in age. 

In 32% of cases, it is seen that women who are under the age of 35 and have never conceived once can undergo a successful IVF cycle. If a woman has conceived a child before the IVF cycle the success rate increases to 37%. Women in their 20s having 2 or more children have a success rate of 34% in the IVF treatment.

 Although the number might be low, research has shown that women who are in their 20s are likely to show more success in their IVF cycle than women who are in their 30s. As the IVF treatment is quite costly women between the age group of the 20s tend to stop the treatment after 1 cycle resulting in a lower numbers of success rate. It is seen women become pregnant after undergoing 3-4 IVF cycles. 

A success rate of IVF above 40

Women who fall under the age group of 40 are most likely to not become pregnant. However, with innovative techniques like IVF treatment methods, it has now become possible for women to conceive even at the age of 40 and above. 

For women who are aged 41 years have a success rate of 15% in the IVF cycle and for 42 years the success rate reduces to 12%. The number further decreases and becomes 8% for women aged 43 years. About 6% of women aged 44 years have shown successful pregnancy through IVF and women who are 45 years old or more have a 3 % chance of becoming pregnant through IVF treatment procedures. 
If you are aiming to go for an IVF cycle in your 40s then it is advisable to go for more than 1 IVF cycle for a successful pregnancy. 

Factors affecting the success of the IVF cycle with age

With the increase in age, the chances of becoming pregnant naturally or through IVF treatment become slim. It is important to visit the best IVF centre in Siliguri and know about your chances of becoming pregnant through IVF. Some of the main factors which can cause hurdles in the IVF process with the gradual increase in age include- 

Reduced quantity and quality of egg- The quantity and quality of the egg in a woman tends to decline when she reaches her 30s which becomes more elevated after the age of 42. Thus the success rate of pregnancy or obtaining a good quality embryo decreases with a low ovarian reserve.

Poor quality of the embryo The risk of a failed implantation of the embryo or miscarriage increases with the poor quality of the embryo. This occurs if a sufficient amount of eggs are not retrieved during the egg retrieval process of the IVF due to lower egg quality. 

With the increase in age, the chances of becoming pregnant naturally or using an artificial method such as IVF become low. You can visit an IVF Center in Siliguri to learn about your chances of becoming pregnant depending on your age to prepare yourself physically and financially for undergoing this treatment in the future. 


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