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Understanding Ovulation: Guide to Finding your Ovulation Date

It is a less known fact that women are highly capable of being pregnant especially during certain days within their monthly cycle. Ovulation is the right time for the sperm and the eggs to ovulate, so knowing your dates of ovulation makes a great difference.  The sperm can be present for quite some time and still fertilize but ovulation is a phenomenon that may last for a little while. By knowing your ovulation bracket, you can now predict and plan your fertility accordingly. It is an important phenomenon and requires every woman to keep track of it. Let's discuss more on the ovulation date and its calculation.

Understanding ovulation is a must and it is a significant factor that decides your fertility. The Process of Ovulation is actually the release of a woman's egg from the ovaries, increasing her chances of conceiving and it happens every month. A woman is most fertile around the time of ovulation. It is really ideal if you decide to have intercourse during the ovulation period. It is of great importance to recognize the signs of ovulation when you are planning a pregnancy.

Today, there are many online sites and apps that can help you track your ovulation. It is not a tough nut to crack if you know the basic calculation behind the ovulation date. It is said that during your menstrual cycle of at least 28 days, the window of your ovulation usually starts from the 14th day. Your 28 days here are counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. You can actually track it on its own without the need of any app or device. It must also be noted that a normal cycle can also last from around 28 to 35 days as well.


Its quite important for every woman to understand the Ovulation cycle. Generally said that ovulation lasts anything between 12 to 48 hours but it is just the half-truth. It must also be noted that woman is potentially fertile for up to seven days and in case cases even 10 after the day of their ovulation. It is deemed to be true because the male sperms have the tendency to stay alive in the reproductive tract for around 7 days as well.

The time of your ovulation can help you plan for intercourse at the right time and improve your chance of getting pregnant.  You can keep track of your menstrual cycles manually or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone. 

To work out the length of your menstrual cycle, record the first day you start bleeding (first day of your period). The last day of your cycle is the day before your next period begins.


Everything comes with symptoms and there are signs that hint on your Ovulation as well but only if you know the signs right. Let us see a few of them look out for!!

  • Your body temperature even during rest falls slightly and then rises again.
  • Your Cervical mucus or the discharge from the cervix becomes thinner and clearer with a more slippery texture as an egg white.
  • Your Cervix is softened and it opens up
  • Some mild pain or cramps around your lower abdomen
  • The vulva or the vagina area spearing swollen

These are the signs that maybe the unnoticed symptoms of your ovulation cycle. Keep these symptoms in mind and you may as well be able to track your ovulation now.


So now that we have discussed a lot about how and when to tack your ovulation, we hope that you are now ready to track your ovulation date without having to remember so much. IF you are planning a pregnancy, you may as well try it during your ovulation period.


The chances of pregnancy during these times are pretty amazing and so your little awareness regarding ovulation may save you a lot of time and assure your pregnancy goals.


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