Common IVF Problems and How to Overcome Them

Common IVF Problems and How to Overcome Them

IVF or in-vitro fertilisation is a series of complex processes which help in pregnancy for those people who cannot conceive a child naturally due to many health-related factors. If you are suffering from infertility issues you can visit an IVF center in Siliguri and consult with a specialist. It will help my dream of becoming a parent come true. 

At the time of the IVF procedure, certain medicines are used for the stimulation of the ovary and creating mature eggs, which are then collected and fertilised in the laboratory by fusing with the sperm. After the formation of the embryo in the laboratory it is placed in the uterus for pregnancy. 
This treatment is also known as ART (assisted reproductive technology). In this process, the eggs and sperm of the original couple or from the donors are used.

Some common problems that can occur during IVF and ways to overcome them are-

1. Emotional Roller-coaster- IVF can be quite draining for both body and mind. It is very common to experience an array of emotions such as joy, hope, anxiety and doubt in the IVF journey before you get the outcome.
In such situations, you must give yourself the freedom to express your emotions openly without suffering alone so that you take off your burden to a large extent. Support from the partner, family and friends along with counseling with a good psychiatrist can relieve your stress of infertility treatment.

 You can also get involved with a support group for IVF individuals and get to know the stories of people who are going through a similar situation. 

2. Financial burden- The cost of IVF can add to your stress level and make you more anxious during your IVF journey since it is financially demanding. Sometimes the cost of IVF can be too much for some individuals and taking extra loans for the treatment will only add up to the financial burden.

 It is very important to properly review your medical insurance. You must analyse the cost of IVF before starting the treatment so that you can get some financial assistance from insurance or payment grants.  You can seek financial counselling to alleviate the stress of the financial burden of the IVF treatment.  

3. Physical side effects- Several invasive procedures and hormonal medications are involved in the IVF treatment procedure. These treatment modes can cause some amount of side effects and physical discomforts in the women. The side effects include mood swings, bloating, tenderness and hot flashes in the sites where injections are pushed.

You must discuss openly with your healthcare provider from the best IVF centre in Siliguri to know about the side effects that can be caused at the time of IVF treatment and ways to manage those side effects. The physical discomforts can be minimised and promote your wellbeing at the time of IVF treatment by prioritising self-care, seeking help from the healthcare provider and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

4. Low response to medications- Sometimes your response to IVF medications such as egg-stimulating hormones can be low causing you stress and anxiety. This will cause a hurdle in your pregnancy journey. 
You can discuss with your healthcare provider about the issues that you are facing and they will change the medications and treatment procedure according to your health condition so that you can receive the good news of becoming a parent through a successful IVF. 

5. Failed Cycle- The success rate of IVF treatment varies from couple to couple since various medical factors are associated with the success rate of the process. It is very easy to feel disappointed with a failed IVF cycle as you can feel that your dream of becoming a parent is starting to crumble. Each failed IVF cycle can be very emotionally devastating for you. 

In such a situation you and your partner must not keep your emotions confined, rather allow yourself to grieve openly. You can also seek help from your healthcare provider and know about other alternative options to ensure pregnancy such as adoption or using donor eggs or sperm. 

6. Relationship strain- Sometimes the relationship between you and your partner can get strained due to the emotional intensity and pressure of the IVF treatment. The IVF procedure includes strict compliance with medicines and schedules, several medical appointments and involvement of invasive procedures. All these procedures can cause potential conflicts in the relationship. 

In such situations, it is very important to keep realistic expectations and remain honest by openly communicating with your partner. You must support each other in this difficult journey to enjoy the ultimate joy of successful IVF.

 You and your partner can seek some professional counselling along with attending sessions of couple therapy to create a supporting environment and address all types of issues that may arise at the time of the IVF journey.

7. Uncertainty- The IVF treatment does not guarantee a pregnancy and you can face disappointment and uncertainty during the IVF journey. You can be emotionally overwhelmed by seeing a negative pregnancy test or at the time of a failed IVF cycle. 

You must start the process with a realistic approach and expectations while remaining resilient. You can cope with the disappointments through the support received from the counsellor, healthcare provider and support groups to explore some other alternative options such as continuing the IVF cycle further or going for an adoption. 

8. Challenges in decision making- IVF treatment can be a difficult decision for couples to take. You will face a series of difficult questions to refer to during your IVF journey such as number of eggs to be matured, the number of IVF cycles to attempt and so on. 

You must consult with your healthcare provider to know properly about the available treatment methods and make decisions based on your values and goals. By openly and honestly conversing with your partner you can make these decisions more easily and efficiently. 

9. Support System- If you are going through an IVF cycle it is very easy to get misunderstood by your partner or feel isolated. A significant difference can be felt by building up a strong system of support. 

You can look up online communities or support groups for IVF which are tailored especially for the couple undergoing IVF treatment. You will feel a sense of belonging in these support groups and knowing about the stories of other couples who are undergoing IVF or completed their IVF journey will provide you with the much-needed emotional support and guidance.

Many problems can occur and you might face several challenges during your IVF journey but you must not lose your hope and continue with the journey to get the ultimate happiness of becoming a parent.  The challenges that you face during this journey can be easily overcome with the right guidance and support.  
Becoming a parent by giving birth to a little angel is the dream of many individuals. However, in some cases due to some medicinal and other factors, it can get quite difficult to conceive naturally. Visit an IVF centre in Siliguri and consult with a specialist to learn about your chances of becoming a parent through IVF. Also with the right support, you can overcome the issues occurring at the time of IVF. 


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